ICM vedtaksforslag: Sport og menneskerettigheter

Etter vedtak på landsmøtet 2016 har styret i Amnesty i Norge sendt inn følgende forslag til vedtak til det internasjonale rådsmøte 2017
Publisert: 24. Jan 2017, kl. 09:00 | Sist oppdatert: 7. Feb 2017, kl. 09:44
Amnesty International Norway: Major Sports Institutions and Human Rights

The International Council Meeting:
Instructs the International Board to make sure that Decision 17 of the 2013 ICM is followed up by strategic and concrete advocacy and activism vis a vis major sporting organizations such as, but not limited to, Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).
The aim of such advocacy and activism should be for the major sporting organizations to develop binding guidelines or similar documents that prevent the granting of major sports events to states responsible for grave and systematic human rights violations.
Further instructs the International Board to explore the possibilities for development of an international treaty to be signed by all major sporting organizations towards the same aim.

Explanatory note
There is a growing trend towards major sporting events being granted to states with problematic human rights records. The reasons for this are multiple.
As a result of this trend we see that major sporting events are a) becoming a cause of human rights violations such as, forced evictions, violations of workers rights, police brutality and limitations of freedom of expression, to list a few. b) used as a tool for authorities with low legitimacy build an international image as legitimate rulers and try to strengthen their domestic legitimacy through national pride and general nationalism.
Until now the granting of major sports events has had little or no real influence on the actual human rights record of such states. In fact there is more evidence that preparations and implementation of such events have directly led to specific human rights violations, as witnessed in Russia before and during the Sochi Olympics and in Qatar in preparations for the Football World Cup in 2022.
Amnesty International has a role to play not only in documenting such human rights abuses, but also in preventing them.
Amnesty International in Norway's members believe that the most effective way of preventing human rights abuses directly connected to major sporting events is by demanding that major sports organisations commit themselves not to grant such events to states where human rights violations are already widespread.

International Council Meeting - det internasjonale rådsmøtet
  • Amnesty Internationals høyeste internasjonale organ
  • Samling av styremedlemmer og ansatte fra hele bevegelsen
  • Vedtar strategier og velger det internasjonale styret
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